Wellness Academy USA Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches partner with our clients to improve self-care and well-being. By empowering positive behaviors and modalities that are supported by evidence-based science, we improve chronic metabolic disease, inflammation, lack of microcirculation, strength loss and weigh-gain though through 4 pathways: diet, nutrition intention, physical activity, personal training, restorative sleep practices, and a daily positive mindset activities.
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Health & Wellness Coach
Wellness Academy Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches provide support, encouragement and clear pathways to empower individuals to take ownership of their own health, using guided intervention and behavioral practices that are empathic, mindful, and motivational to improve self-care and lifestyle change.
Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaching
Wellness Academy USA Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches provide support, encouragement and clear pathways to empower individuals to take ownership of their own health which includes weight loss strategies, improve energy, increased microcirculation, reduction of musculoskeletal joint pain and whole body inflammation associated with arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
Wellness Academy USA Nutrition Intervention Program – is designed to improve or change a nutrition-related problems such as malnutrition, over-nutrition and metabolic disease syndromes. Our program utilizes comprehensive health screenings, blood chemistry analysis, toxic metal testing, ongoing remote biomarker monitoring, micro/macronutrient analysis, as well as behavioral & motivational interviewing coaching to drive lifestyle change.
Wellness Academy USA Personal Training Program offers a range of functional & adaptive personalized physical activity training sessions designed to cater to various health conditions and preferences. This includes dynamic stretching; cardiorespiratory conditioning; strength training; microcirculation therapy; balance training, ongoing biomarker remote monitoring and specialized sessions for musculoskeletal join pain degeneration from arthritis by improving microcirculation through-out the entire body.
A Healthy Life Is Within Reach
1-on-1 Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaching
I met Gerry, (Gerald), and was immediately impressed with his knowledge of health and nutrition and how it impacted overall wellness and chronic disease. I personally took his advice and changed my eating and exercise habits and got amazing results. I have been part of traditional healthcare for over 25 years. Gerry’s program and thoughts about how to solve for chronic disease are inspiring in their simplicity. It’s not about expensive procedures and medications but simply about motivating people to do the right things both physically and nutritionally. I highly recommend Gerald J Joseph and look forward to watching his continued innovations in this space we call healthcare.
Ms. N.B., Healthcare Consultant
Diet - Nutrition Intervention
Physical Activity Personal Taining
Meet Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches
Restorative Sleep
Positive Mindset
Healthy Living Programs
Wellness Academy USA offers 1-on-1 board certified health & wellness coaching and personal training services. Working alongside you as your personal guide, and partner, our health & wellness coaches support clients by building on internal strengths that help facilitate sustainable lifestyle changes. Healthy living is the practice of health enhancing lifestyle behaviors, or simply put, living a life in balance.
Wellness Academy USA uses a collaborative coaching strategy to help our clients archive long lasting results. By actively listening to our client’s needs, setting realistic smart goals, and by engaging our clients on a daily basis to improve self-care, we empower a can get it done everyday positive mindset – you are not alone!