Health & Wellness Nutrition Coaching and Functional & Adaptive Personal Training:

We are hunter/gathers/foragers by nature.  About 400,000 years old as a species – our genome has not had enough time to adapt to the industrialization of our food, and lack of movement daily.  Bone strength started declining in the femur and tibia bones of the leg about 7,000 years ago in the Neolithic period, as rudimentary farming practices became grain based and where this decline began to take hold and continued until about 2,000 years ago in the Roman period.

This decline continued for thousands of years, suggesting that people had a very long transition from the start of agriculture to a completely sedentary lifestyle.  For this reason, we coach clients on creating meal plans, shopping lists, and quick, healthy recipes to correct the imbalances that have been created over time from eating industrialized foods.


Based on all available evidence-based science, there are two factors that are driving metabolic disease syndromes- a) malnutrition; and b) lack of daily physical activities.

According to NCBI, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome between January 2022 and February 2023 was 63.3%.  Men were more likely to have the syndrome than women, with 52.5% of men and 47.5% of women having it.  The prevalence of metabolic syndrome also increased with age, from 6.7% for people aged 20–29 to 43.5% for people aged 60–69 and 42.0% for people aged 70 and older.

Malnutrition is a serious condition that occurs when a person’s diet doesn’t provide the right amount of nutrients.  It can be caused by deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in energy and nutrient intake.  Malnutrition can be categorized into three broad groups of conditions: undernutrition, overnutrition, and micronutrient-related malnutrition:

  • Undernutrition

This occurs when a person doesn’t consume enough essential nutrients, or when they are excreted faster than they can be replaced. Undernutrition can lead to low weight-for-height (wasting), height-for-age (stunting), and weight-for-age (underweight). People who are undernourished often have deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, especially iron, zinc, vitamin A, and iodine.

  • Overnutrition

This occurs when a person eats too much, eats the wrong things, doesn’t exercise enough, or takes too many vitamins or other dietary replacements. Overnutrition can lead to overweight or obesity. It can also increase the risk of developing diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Nutrition Intervention

Wellness Academy USA nutrition intervention program is design to mediate and, in many cases, reverse chronic metabolic disease syndromes.  We use data from anthropological studies of modern-day hunter-gatherer-forager populations (i.e. Tsimané); Blue Zone regions from around the world with high concentration of centenarians; clinical studies that support the Mediterranean diet; and additional clinical studies such as the Adventist Health Study 2, to create the healthiest evidence-based meals and physical activity plans.

These are just a few of the metabolic diseases that our intervention and behavioral lifestyle wellness program has had success with – arthritis, bone loss, heart disease, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, obesity, and diseases of the mind.  By emphasizing a return to a more ancient, pre-Neolithic organic diet, and a more physically active lifestyle that enables our ancient genome to thrive, we garner outstanding results in a minimum amount of time.

Functional & Adaptive Physical Activities

Simple body weight activities like hanging, holding body weight, sitting, standing, squatting, and balancing activities.  We also utilize advance activities like push-ups, pull-ups, pulling, pushing, throwing & catching balls with each hand (cross-brain exercises), climbing, swimming, and core work – all designed to develop stronger muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments.  These types of whole-body activities enable individuals to engage in sustained physical activities and cardiorespiratory conditioning all the while increasing range of motion and preventing injuries.

All physical activities are based upon developing long-term capacity, meaning you are trained at your current ability, and progress slowly over distance and time.  We physically take clients on walks so they can learn what walking at “gate-speed” feels like.  We also like to engage in lots of game-based activities, such as using balls to catch and throw with each hand to stimulate the cross-brain activities.  This allows a client focus on the activity, not realizing they are covering increased distance stimulating the body and brain.

The Wellness Academy USA Lifestyle Wellness Program concentrates on nutrition intervention and behavioral coaching to support our functional & adaptive physical activities to increase muscle flexibility through dynamic stretching, cardiorespiratory conditioning to increase microcirculation, and strength training to increase muscle, tendon and bone density.  In addition, we work on balancing blood sugar through fasting protocols, heart and brain health through cardiorespiratory conditioning, and health fatty acid consumption (DHA, EPA, ALA).

Measuring Outcomes

The Wellness Academy USA Lifestyle Wellness Program measures and quantifies through health outcomes with the following biomarkers/biometrics: 1) total cholesterol; 2) triglyceride; 3) HDL/LDL ratio; 4) blood sugar (A1C) levels; 5) weight/BMI; 6) blood pressure; 7) waist-to-hip ratio; 8) physical activity levels by tracking daily steps; (8k-10K steps daily); 8) sustained high-quality sleep (7-8 hours); and 9) positive mindset assessment (happiness index),

Wellness Academy USA San Diego is an evidence-based 1 on 1 in-person, and remote lifestyle wellness program offering services on Coronado Island, Marina District, Little Italy, and Solano Beach California. We are defining, measuring, and helping to implement the positive lifestyle wellness changes that enable people to live happier, healthier lives.

Our team is engaged in cutting-edge research, clinical interventions, and education that leverage our nutrition-based and physical activity expertise to promote all aspects of lifestyle wellness.


